Li Ge Yang

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Li Ge Yang Nick/Other Name 李歌洋
Citizenship Chinese Born On (Date) July 31, 1997
Birth (Place) Zhejiang, China Gender Male
Current Height 180 cm Current Weight 67 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Model, Television Personality
Actively Working 2016 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Completed Basic & Higher Education Qualification
Marital Status Single

Li Ge Yang Wiki and Personal Life

Actor Li Ge Yang was born on 31 July 1997 in Taizhou, China in a Chinese family and he grew up here by taking basic education. Since his childhood, he was very interested in acting.

Li Ge Yang Higher Education

Li Ge Yang completed his basic primary and secondary education then became a trainee to a C-pop idol and even participated in an idol-producing survival and reality show back in 2016.