Dylan Wang

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Dylan Wang Nick/Other Name Wang He Di
Citizenship Chinese Born On (Date) December 20, 1998
Birth (Place) Leshan, China Gender Male
Current Height 183 cm Current Weight -
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Model, Singer, Television Personality
Actively Working 2018 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Sichuan Southwest College of Civil Aviation
Marital Status Single

Dylan Wang Wiki and Parents

Chinese actor Dylan Wang was born on 20 December 1998 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China in a Chinese family. He is also known by other names such as Di Di, Wang He Di, Dylan Wang, He Di, Wang Hedi, 王鶴棣, Didi, and 棣棣.

Schooling and University Education

In high school, Dylan Wang initially studied to become a flight attendant and later he change his higher education criteria and graduated from Sichuan Southwest College of Civil Aviation.

Does Dylan Wang have a Girlfriend or Married?

Dylan Wang is a handsome and hardworking celebrity but if write about Dylan Wang's girlfriend and relationship, he always has a very mature relationship with his on-screen co-stars but according to our data in his real life, he is currently single and has no romantic relationship with someone.