Charlotte Austin

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Charlotte Austin Nick/Other Name Charlotte,ชาล็อต
Citizenship Thai Born On (Date) December 21, 1998
Birth (Place) Phuket, Thailand Gender Female
Current Height 173 cm Current Weight 50 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Model, Television Personality
Actively Working 2023 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism at Prince of Songkla University
Marital Status Single

Charlotte Austin Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Thai actress Charlotte Austin was born on 21 December 1998 in Phuket, Thailand, and grew up here while taking basic schooling education. Then she joined Prince of Songkla University (Phuket), where she  Hospitality and Tourism.

Charlotte Austin started her career being a part of the Miss Grand Thailand 2022 beauty contest. Since the contest, Charlotte has been popularly paired by fans with the winner Engfa Waraha. Both popularity has led them to debut their acting career in the romantic miniseries "Show Me Love".