Bernard Arnault

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Bernard Arnault Nick/Other Name Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault
Citizenship French Born On (Date) March 05, 1949
Birth (Place) Roubaix, France Gender Male
Current Height 185 cm Current Weight 80 kg
Professional Info
Professions Art Collector, Business Magnate, Media Proprietor
Actively Working 1971 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Graduated from the École Polytechnique, France
Marital Status Married
  • Hélène Mercier (1991-Present)
  • Anne Dewavrin (1973-1990)

Bernard Arnault | Biography & Family

Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault, professionally known as Bernard Arnault was born on 5 March 1949 in Roubaix France in the Arnault family. His mother Marie-Josèphe Savinel was of daughter of Étienne Savinel and his father Jean Léon Arnault was the manufacturer who owned the civil engineering company Ferret-Savinel.

Bernard Arnault | Net Worth

Bernard Arnault is the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive of LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE which is the world's largest luxury goods company as previously mentioned.

According to Wikipedia updates & Forbes magazine, Arnault and his family have an estimated net worth of US$186.3 billion as of December 2022 that's making him the richest person in the world.

Bernard Arnault's Net Worth in 2023

Bernard Arnault ranked in 1st position on the Billionaire's List in 2023. According to Forbes magazine, His current estimated net worth is around $211 billion USD which makes him the first richest person in the world.