Jamie Costa

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Jamie Costa Nick/Other Name James Edward Costa
Citizenship American Born On (Date) May 12, 1990
Birth (Place) Charleston, South Carolina Gender Male
Current Height 170 cm Current Weight 68 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Producer, Voice Actor
Actively Working 2013 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Studied theater at North Greenville University in South Carolina
Marital Status Single

Jamie Costa Birth & Family Details

American television and film actor Jamie Costa was born on May 12, 1990, and grew up in Charleston, South Carolina.

Jamie Costa Schooling & Higher Education

Jamie Costa attended private Christian schools up until high school and for higher education, he attended college at The Citadel and eventually ended up studying theater at North Greenville University in South Carolina. He took a semester to study film and graduated in December 2013.

Jamie Costa Acting Career

Jamie Costa started his career as a YouTuber by posting impersonation videos on YouTube. In 2017, He played supporting roles in the feature film Heaven Bound and on the TV show My Crazy Ex.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
Bring Him to Me Unknown 2023