Larry Ellison

Age, Height, Weight, Education, Relationship

Personal Info
Full Name Larry Ellison Nick/Other Name Lawrence Joseph Ellison
Citizenship American Born On (Date) August 17, 1944
Birth (Place) New York, U.S. Gender Male
Current Height 191 cm Current Weight 85 kg
Professional Info
Professions Business Magnate, Investor
Actively Working 1970 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (no degree)
Marital Status Married
  • Melanie Craft (2003-2010)
  • Barbara Boothe (1983-1986)
  • Nancy Wheeler Jenkins (1977-1978)
  • Adda Quinn (1967-1974)

Larry Ellison Current Net Worth

According to early 2023, American Co-founder, executive chairman, and CTO of Oracle Corporation Larry Ellison ranked in 4th position on the Billionaire's List published by Forbes. His current estimated net worth is $107 billion USD.